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Code Swarm for Config Management

Gil Raphaelli, one of the guys on our Flickr Ops team, put together a Code Swarm animation for the configuration/deployment management tool we use at Flickr to manage our infrastructure. Myles Grant did this for our bug reporting system as well. Check it out:

Our automated config management system is called Gemstone, but conceptually you can think of it as a pretty extensible SystemImager/Puppet/cfengine-style system. In the animation, the dots are changes made by the ops person shown.  The legend is:

: this is what cluster should have what packages, files, actionable scripts, etc.
raw: these are actual files, like apache/memcached/squid configs, which get munged depending on what cluster they might be in
conf: this is what boxes/clusters are subsets or supersets of which clusters
code: ops-written tools/utilities
Misc: stuff that doesn’t fit into the above. 🙂

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